I cleaned my refrigerator the other day. Ooooo boy, did it need it. As I was cleaning I was thinking to myself why in the world did I wait until it's warm and sunny outside and there's a nice soft breeze blowing? An absolutely gorgeous day, perfect for spending time outside. And I answered myself. "Because when it's cold and dark and gloomy you have no energy. No get-up-and-go. No DESIRE to do those mundane jobs. But just let the sun come out and it is like flipping a switch. I am empowered. Energized. Gung-ho. So my refrigerator got a good cleaning along with a few other little projects around the house like the floors, the laundry, the vacuuming. I was a dynamo. Then I decided to finish planting the garden. I even impressed myself. Here's a shot of the interior of my nice clean fridge. I was too embarrassed to show you the before pic! There's just something wonderful and soothing about a clean refrigerator. And nice, crisp, clean sheets. I am off to make my bed. Thanks for stopping by!