16 March 2012


Did you think I had given up on the Two Dogs blog?  Nope.  Time just flies and before you know it, FOUR months have passed. Guess I should be happy it wasn't four years!  *smile*.  Lots of things have happened.  Christmas, New Year's, Valentine's Day; all the big holidays.  Someone knocking, nay POUNDING, on my door at 3 a.m.  Time to gear up for defending the home front.  And worst of all, I had to put my precious little Toonie Mae Hound, Princess Dog of Burney down and my heart has ached ever since.  A sweeter pup one could never find and I will miss her forever.  I try not to dwell too much on losing her because it just gets me to the melt-down stage, so enough said.
Someone sent me an email describing how to make your store-bought or home grown berries last a lot longer.  Bear in mind I have not tried this yet, but I can see how it would work.  Make up a solution of one part vinegar to 10 parts water and just dump those berries -- any kind ---- into the solution and swish around for a few seconds and drain.  No need to rinse.  Store as you normally would and you will get quite a few more days to enjoy nature's bounty if you don't get them eaten up right away.
I have an adorable picture of Burger to show you that was taken at work, but I don't have it on my computer yet. Soon as it arrives in my email I will try to get it posted.
Have a wonderful weekend!!!