26 September 2011


Hi all!  Thanks for stopping by the ol' Two Dogs blogeroonie.  If you're in beautiful northern California did you enjoy our little taste of fall yesterday (and this morning ---- 36!!!)?  I'm so not ready to give up summer, but it was nice to think about the the onset of autumn and turning leaves, cozy blankets, hot soup.  That's as far as I am willing to go right now --- just thinking about those things. :-) although I did grab a blankie while vegging on the couch last night watching CSI...................and nodded off and missed the last half.  Dang!
On to today's post.  I fully intended to show you this a couple of months ago, or maybe it was three?  Time got away from me.  'Where's the time gone' is almost a mantra that everyone is repeating now.  A little over two months and it will be Christmas!!  Again!!!  Oh my.  But I digress.  I actually saved this because of the color; it's fallish looking.  You believe that, right?
This little strainer drains a can of veggies or fruit, holds enough fresh picked berries or such  for two people, can be used to dip and drain any ol' thing at all  right out of the pot.  I use it a lot.  Highly recommended. It's from Avon. 
I hope you have a wonderful week.  Hugs, Shawna

05 September 2011

Another man in my life................

Unbelievable that it has been almost two months since my last post.  Summer is always so busy and then the wrist problem (pulled a tendon or something.  The one that runs along the thumb and into the wrist) didn't help either.  BUT, I just had to sit down and write about the new man in my life.  What a sweetheart!  What an energetic fella!  What a GORGEOUS male!  I am smitten and feel like the luckiest girl alive to have him in my life.  I decided to go get a Burger............... 
Burger is his name and he is a seven year old wire hair fox terror, er, terrier.  I felt like I had finally got to a point, after losing Charlie, that I could look for another wire hair, and I found this charmer on ATRA (abandoned terrier rescue association) as a courtesy listing.  I emailed his owner, got all the info, and thought about it for a few days.  When I felt like I was ready to commit to taking this guy, Ryan, Burger's previous owner, and I tried to figure out how to get him from Orange County to Burney.  If you don't know California, believe me, it's a long way.  We emailed back and forth between meeting half-way in cars, to trying to fly him to Reno or Sacramento.  In the end it was meeting halfway and I made the 750 + mile round trip. 
He is settling in. Toonie Mae Hound Princess Dog of Burney has her precious little royal nose a bit out of joint over having another man around, but she is adjusting.  Burger still hasn't gotten the subservient part down, but Toonie is training him. We are all still in the adjusting phase, but so far it is working out fine despite some battles between her highness and the court jester. 
If you know wire hairs -- if they are normal healthy dogs -- they have A LOT OF ENERGY and if you don't give them the exercise and attention they require they will find their own entertainment and it's a forgone conclusion that you won't like their choices!  It's not the dog's fault, it's just the way they are built and if you cannot put up with their shenanigans, a wire hair is not for you. Burger is normal.  Burger is healthy.  Burger is very energetic. Burger gets a run alongside my bike at least once a day, but mostly twice a day to burn off some of that energy and we play ball in the backyard and are even making up games to play in the living room.  He is very smart, and very well trained and I am getting a LOT of exercise right along with him.  He is only 7 and they are chronically active until past 12 years of age.  Lord help me...................  :-)

A few shots of the clown
Gardening should be interesting from now on with this helper!

Checking out the new toys

Making sure there weren't any goodies left before the dishes are washed.  He's the pre-rinse cycle. Or wants to be anyway!!!

Doing the canine version of yoga.  DOGA!

Thanks for stopping by.  Burger, THE PRINCESS, and I are off for a bike ride.  Have a great week!